Monday 24 July 2017

India: An underdeveloped country by choice

India is a very backward country.  Although it is the fastest developing country in the world. But India can do a lot much better than now. There are lots of opportunities for India to get registered into one of the developed country. But, India is underdeveloped by choice. Indians just don't care about it. And that is the biggest problem. Here are some opinions for, why India is still a backward nation.

1. Standard of living:

Sstandard of living in India is way down the graph. People here don't care about their standard of living. They have money, but they don't use it for increasing their living standards. They believe that showing off is not an option. Money should be used for very important things, like marriage, storing gold, and in the bank for emergency purposes. Storing rather than spending on living standard is the mentality that is not helping India to grow. The money in the bank, gold, and other storage transfers to the generations after, which have no value for them, because they didn't earn it. It leaves a psychological lethargy and arrogance in Indians.

2. Copying the west:

Indian people are busy copying the western culture. They appreciate western quality of life rather than improving own's. It seems like the west have best of all things. They have best clothes, technology, movies, literature, and art works. Its fine to adopt the best. But Indians are adopting it blindly. They are forgetting their own existence in the world. Indians need to create their own fashion sense, technology, and art works. Having a rich culture and technology in past, it should not be hard for Indians to make their own technologies and being proud of it. On the other hand it is a shame to the Indians not developing their own culture by now, having such rich civilization in past.

3. Religious politics:

No doubt, politics nowadays is an ugly word. It doesn't need to be described how it destroys a nation. A very opposite thing it is doing than its actual work. Pioneers are inciting people on the base of religion and caste, for their gains. It leaves a huge confusion in the mind of Indians. They begin to hate the people of particular religion and use their all creativeness in 'how to hate them' project. A kind of self-respect is aroused in people to hate. Leaving the word "self-respect" in the bad words team. Politicians use people as tools, and people just don't care. They understand, that politicians are villian, then also they give them respect. They don't care until it seriously comes to them, otherwise they are in a big comfort zone. The arousing of people on the basis of religion is a serious virus to India which is restricting in its growth. Education is a big antivirus for this disease. But, education is not doing well here too.

4. The fail education system:

Indian education system is british. Content in syllabus books reflect the british dominance in education system. Giving exams and studying for good marks is good in many ways, but not in all ways. India needs to create rather than adopting. Intellectuals are needed for creating an education system which is close to appropriate to Indian society. This field needs many works to be done, and very high quality of intellectuals are required indeed. But, nobody cares, even socitiey's intellectuals rather go in politics or foreign. They are migrating from society when society needs them. They are more concerned about their respect than society's. It needs some serious dedication which intellectuals lack here.

5. Reservation system:

USA has many great doctors and engineers which are Indians. If Indians have such potential then why are they migrating? As mentioned in the earlier point, these talented people are much concerned about themselves than society. It can't be said that its all their fault. They are not valued in India. Indian people are divided according their caste, and reservation is given accordingly for jobs and institution. Reservation system is an absolute rascism with legal cover over it because of politicians. It can't be said more about it because its too mainstream and people still don't care. They still vote for the political parties that endorse reservation system. Nota button should be pressed for this mess.

India is a country with many potentials. Indians are not less talented than any other countrymen. They need to accept themselves and realise their existence in the world. With the unbelievable past, Indians can change the world in a positive way and take their country to extreme highness of development. But, they don't care. Indians need to be inspired and create their own prosperity rather than simply copying from other countries.
Don't make Varanasi Kyoto, because its Varanasi. It has its own intensity, which can't be competed or compared.