Thursday 15 February 2018

The baby

When a baby is born, it is nothing but a thing that has life in it. It knows nothing. He is just an orgnism. The baby is obviously loved hugely from the family members, and that is what is required otherwise a baby cannot survive. The baby cries and he gets food. It looks like 'that's so easy'. But that's not so easy for a baby. That is the only thing he can get by crying, nothing else. He cannot tell whether he is cold or hot, if it's itching somewhere or something's not good. So being a baby has it's own pros and cons. Pros like, you have to do nothing, just lay there, look at the walls and nothing, and cons for sure like being able to do nothing but to stare at walls, not so different from a prison. You cannot do anything, you are just there. But, can a baby understand the feeling of 'prison' thing? He is not able to think anything clearly.

So what it feels like to be a baby? Actually it feels like nothing. There is no fun because there is no punishment to feel it; and there is no punishment because you cannot have ability to do something. So what goes in the mind of a baby actually. What he thinks staring at the walls? 'It was fun in the womb and it's so weird out here. There are colours and people stairing and pouting at me. What are they doing? Actually, what m I doing here?'

A living being with all his organs and senses don't know what to do. And the baby slowly, observes the things going around him. What are people doing. What are they speaking. He learns all their doings, copies them, and socializes with age. So it seems like the baby is born to copy others. Well he does copy others and acts likewise. There is nothing he can develop on his own. Certainly an idea comes from a person, but does it really comes from his brain. The brain cannot produce an idea from nothing. It reproduces what it observes, in organized and polished way, looking like a new idea.

So the baby observes his surroundings and acts accordingly. His parents taught him about good deeds, to be a nice and mannerful person. But even then he slaps one of his classmates. His teacher punishes him and reports it to his parents. His mother asks him, "why did you slap him? I taught you to be good to others." The baby replies, " I didn't remember your sayings, otherwise i wouldn't have done that." So what it is to blame here. His memory? He just forgot his teachings and didn't do it knowingly. It was just his brain, and a bad memory could be from genes.

The baby grew up and commited a murder. Officers asked him " why did you do that? He replied, "that man was not good to me and was very irritating, that's why i killed him." Officer- "what? Couldn't you just 'move on and mind your own business'?" The baby- " i don't know how to ignore, how you do that?" Officer- " are you out of your mind! Get in the prison then we will shift you to the asylum."

So what was wrong with the baby. He just did it beacuse that's how his brain was programmed in his past years. He didn't know that killing a person is a crime. And he had no idea about ignoring. Looks like it was not baby's fault and the fault was of all of his surroundings and teachings he got from the past. The crime didn't come to the baby's mind from nothing. It was learned, organized and arranged in his mind observing from the surrounding that probably was not so good. But you can not escape from prison giving this explaination. So what is meant that whatever you have done till now is not completely your fault and can be pointed towards your surroundings and teachings. But as you come to know that your surrounding is what shapes you, you can not be said innocent. The baby must have chosen the good company because he knew that surrounding is a big deal. His parents taught him that. All we can get from here that we should keep our company appropriate. If you don't keep your surroundings clean, what are you? A baby?