Monday 11 July 2016

Ultimate System

The world, is a mysterious place.
By the word 'world' i mean our earth; that is in this vast universe. Is this universe is more mysterious than our earth, or equally mysterious. Obviously, universe is much more big and earth is negligible in it. But what if, earth is eqaully puzzling. Thats a big question to ask because we are finding the mysteries of the universe by researching on earth. Earth is tiny part of this universe but yet it holds many mysteries of universe.

Human brain has its own universe in it, whats going on in our brain; nobody can guess, even we ourselves can't guess what is going on up there. So, from earth we are on the brain that also seems equally mysterious like earth and universe. And this chain goes on, to the most microscopic thing to the most telescopic thing. We the humans living on the earth in this vast universe, are busy in our lives. We have nothing to do what is going on beyond the biosphere; excpet few scientists. We are busy in making money, properties and likewise things, for happiness. Beacuse that is the human's definition for happiness and success. And many other people are happy in the himalayas and forests. So, what is the true wisdom and happiness. Most of people will say, obviously the people in himalayas have more wisdom. So why most of the people are still making money. Why they are not in the himalayas till now. Seems like they have not gained the inner peace and such kind of things. Every person on this earth have their own concept of living life, just like many religions. Every person lives their own way, and every religion have their own beliefs. So, every person is mysterious and so is religion. Just like earth and universe. Religion is a group of people(not definition of religion). Universe is group of plantes like earth. So there are common things as we look close to the universe and humans. Our cities looks like a brain cell and our brain cell looks like the universe. Our eyes looks like a big nebula.

These things have a correlation or just a coincidence? But, as we go deep on the non visual things, like our thoughts; are they like universe? We can think anything, in any amount; there is no limit of data we think. So as the universe. There "is" a correlation between all these things, obviously. We are part of universe, so we 'will' look like the universe.

There are many wars going on, on earth. Wars for oil, wars of possession, religions wars and many more. That is a living being's nature; to fight and to survive. Its the nature's law. Many people are busy in proving their religion is best, many politicians are busy to gain more power. The people who live in himalayas and forests have their opinion about these people that they are not living and destroying their life. Politicians have the same opinion about them. So, here also the fight for proving their lifestyle best. Every living being is busy to gain power, to show themselves more able, intelligent, powerful. That is the very nature's nature to show themselves more powerful. Most of the people want world peace, that is an illusion according to me, they do not want to hurt people, animals and nature. Imagine such a life on earth. The life in 'world peace'. Nobody is hurting anybody, countries' imaginary boundaries are vanished. Nobody is hurting animals and nature. So there are the people with differrent beliefs going and living in different countries without visa, there is no violence, nobody is hurting animals for food. Is such a life possible?

The people living with different beliefs side by side will eat other. People now not hurting animals and killing each other will certainly increase growth of animals, thats so funny and so horrible. And many other terrible circumsrances of so called 'world peace'. The ecosystem will not allow the world peace. The human nature and every living beings nature are the part of universe. Every single person and living being is doing its duty in this world. If we start to live according to a single person's thoughts and beliefs, that will be so unnatural. So that is why there are different Gods. That explains everything. Different types of beliefs are important for the ecosytem. Every person's and every specie's role is important. And we should not be proud of ourselves because our species too is going to be vanished; because there is nothing that lives immortaly. Here universe rules which himself doesnt know what is going to happen next just like our brain.
So there is no reason to debate for anything. Just live and be happy.