Friday 1 December 2017

My opinions about my city.

Shajapur is my home town and its worth a place to write a blog upon. Only few people know about Shajapur, otherwise they are like -where's that? In UP? Shahjahanpur? Oh you mean the town next to Maksi!
Maksi is a tehsil in Shajapur district, and the reason why it is more popular is beacuse of its railway junction, which Shajapur don't have. Shajapur has a railway station but thats not the route of most of the trains. There is only one theatre, one bus stop, one (or half) railway station. Every thing is one and everything is so simple here. It doesnt have mcdonalds, dominos, ccd and it is not a village. How amazing is that. Something in between city and village. It is a proper city with all basic animeties, you can live and grow here. It is a district and have all the government offices.

But what's amazing about this city is its geographical location. It used to have a river which is now a dam. It has beautiful highlands surrounding it. It is near to a metroplis city Indore, and to a very interesting city Ujjain. It has rivers surrounding it. Almost on tropic of cancer, so weather is perfect sharing all the seasons equally. Rainy season also does its part and there is no shortage of water arround here. Soil is perfect for farming and things. It is on the national highway 3. Shajpur is located in malwa reigion of India. Malwa has its own acquaintance. So the culture is almost malwi. Shajapur distrct has the smallest forest in M.P.

 So having surrounded by highlands of mild height and little forest area, you can surely found peace of mind here. Away from dense population like Indore, but not so far. Metropolitan life is just 2 and half hours away. Religious life is 1 and half our away. Because of having a district and no so good for business, this city is perfect to live. There a government service people who like peace in their life. And anyone who wants to be a businesman, Indore is near to them. People here live a very limited peaceful life. There are villages around the city that do not merge with city and thus making its boundry in limit.

Shajapur's beauty is during afternoon. The time around 2-3 pm is amazing. You can go to farm and meditate there, and there is no need of artificial surrounding sounds. Birds and small animals having their day. All the people having their day. Train going around the dam looks amazing from a highland. Windmills all around the highlands and the soft breeze. There is no need of a meditation app here.

Some people will find themselves bore here, the people who are used to metropolitan. People here are very limited from thier bank account to their brain account. Thats why everyone is in peace here. As they say in sinhasth, 'Sinhasth can't be explained in words, it can only be felt by being there.' Same goes for this city. Here is the peace for what our soldiers are on borders. You live here very cheaply and completely.

Shajapur got its name from the fort which was made in here by Shah jahan. It was called Shahjahanpur in past but now its Shajapur. There is no place of tourism here. Then what is it to see here. I cannot explain it in words what's its quality. You need to live here for years to know its beauty. As fairy tails tell us about a town like, a beautiful town in middle of nature and rivers and highlands, Shajapur is very much that kind of town.

To be continued..

Monday 24 July 2017

India: An underdeveloped country by choice

India is a very backward country.  Although it is the fastest developing country in the world. But India can do a lot much better than now. There are lots of opportunities for India to get registered into one of the developed country. But, India is underdeveloped by choice. Indians just don't care about it. And that is the biggest problem. Here are some opinions for, why India is still a backward nation.

1. Standard of living:

Sstandard of living in India is way down the graph. People here don't care about their standard of living. They have money, but they don't use it for increasing their living standards. They believe that showing off is not an option. Money should be used for very important things, like marriage, storing gold, and in the bank for emergency purposes. Storing rather than spending on living standard is the mentality that is not helping India to grow. The money in the bank, gold, and other storage transfers to the generations after, which have no value for them, because they didn't earn it. It leaves a psychological lethargy and arrogance in Indians.

2. Copying the west:

Indian people are busy copying the western culture. They appreciate western quality of life rather than improving own's. It seems like the west have best of all things. They have best clothes, technology, movies, literature, and art works. Its fine to adopt the best. But Indians are adopting it blindly. They are forgetting their own existence in the world. Indians need to create their own fashion sense, technology, and art works. Having a rich culture and technology in past, it should not be hard for Indians to make their own technologies and being proud of it. On the other hand it is a shame to the Indians not developing their own culture by now, having such rich civilization in past.

3. Religious politics:

No doubt, politics nowadays is an ugly word. It doesn't need to be described how it destroys a nation. A very opposite thing it is doing than its actual work. Pioneers are inciting people on the base of religion and caste, for their gains. It leaves a huge confusion in the mind of Indians. They begin to hate the people of particular religion and use their all creativeness in 'how to hate them' project. A kind of self-respect is aroused in people to hate. Leaving the word "self-respect" in the bad words team. Politicians use people as tools, and people just don't care. They understand, that politicians are villian, then also they give them respect. They don't care until it seriously comes to them, otherwise they are in a big comfort zone. The arousing of people on the basis of religion is a serious virus to India which is restricting in its growth. Education is a big antivirus for this disease. But, education is not doing well here too.

4. The fail education system:

Indian education system is british. Content in syllabus books reflect the british dominance in education system. Giving exams and studying for good marks is good in many ways, but not in all ways. India needs to create rather than adopting. Intellectuals are needed for creating an education system which is close to appropriate to Indian society. This field needs many works to be done, and very high quality of intellectuals are required indeed. But, nobody cares, even socitiey's intellectuals rather go in politics or foreign. They are migrating from society when society needs them. They are more concerned about their respect than society's. It needs some serious dedication which intellectuals lack here.

5. Reservation system:

USA has many great doctors and engineers which are Indians. If Indians have such potential then why are they migrating? As mentioned in the earlier point, these talented people are much concerned about themselves than society. It can't be said that its all their fault. They are not valued in India. Indian people are divided according their caste, and reservation is given accordingly for jobs and institution. Reservation system is an absolute rascism with legal cover over it because of politicians. It can't be said more about it because its too mainstream and people still don't care. They still vote for the political parties that endorse reservation system. Nota button should be pressed for this mess.

India is a country with many potentials. Indians are not less talented than any other countrymen. They need to accept themselves and realise their existence in the world. With the unbelievable past, Indians can change the world in a positive way and take their country to extreme highness of development. But, they don't care. Indians need to be inspired and create their own prosperity rather than simply copying from other countries.
Don't make Varanasi Kyoto, because its Varanasi. It has its own intensity, which can't be competed or compared.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Education system

Our education system is ruining our lives to very serious level. Government and Intellectuals must scrutinise the current education system. People are not having enough knowledge and skills. Their values and beliefs are side-tracked. Institutions are not delivering their real services and products.

Homo-sapians(humans) have amazing gift called intelligence. Intelligence is like nuclear power. It is so powerful to do amazing and creative things but it is destructive as hell.Nuclear power is not being used creatively but as bomb because we are not using our personal atomic power i.e. intelligence, creatively.

Institutions are not giving real education to young minds. The young mind which can be much better than Einstein and Micheal Jackson are not given proper guidance. Their teachers dont understand them and they are not taught to understand themselves. Today's education system is same as very previous time's education system. That was good for that time. But our species changes itself very fast. We need upgraded education system. Education system is not a fixed formula; this formula changes with time and people. We need to understand the very concept of education. The education system is decayed to such an extent that self-education, without going in any recognised institution is better.

The rate of discoveries and inventions has decreased with time, except in the field of computer and technology. Most of people are making computer and technology better. Nobody cares about energy and climate problems. Technology has made our lives better and it is doing good. But this doesn't mean that we all go towards technology. Today if a person has nice degrees in technology then he is considered to be "highly educated". A technology expert who doesn't know about sociology, human body or environment; how can be he said "highly educated"? The motive is not only to make money; but to make money stress-free, happily, interestingly, peacefully and humanly not roboticaly.

Nowadays a person is judged by his marks. Judging someone according to his marks is absolutely fine, but not in the field which he is not interested. The work of choosing path for career is not all student's fault. The major fault is of the system which failed in understanding the student and showing him the right path. After this, judging someone according to their marks is absolutely baseless. Matriculation is very necessary for learing many things, but after this, the system should show the students the right path in which they are suitable and can do best.

Education means to develop skills, gain knowledge, develop values an beliefs. To have basic manners and to understand ourselves. What we have interest in, that wre can do best. Education is all about enlightenment, not to the level of a Yogi, but to the level where we can live proudly, easily and happily.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

The World After 100 Years: Educations's role in making the world a better place

What will our world look like in the next 100 years? No one knows, but everyone predicts. As our world has some serious technological revolutions, the image of our world after 100 years will be interesting. The world’s condition can turn into worst, or it can turn into a charming picture. There are some serious problems in the world which if not destroyed immediately will destroy our world. Let's make some interesting predictions for our future world in the next 100 years.

1.    World population will decrease
The world population is 7.4 billion. It is said that world population will increase to a great extent and that will be the cause of world’s end. But that is not entirely accurate. As people are educating themselves more and more, there are fewer chances of population growth. The two most populated countries, China and India, are on their way developing their countries and to become a superpower. This kind of serious development requires many plans and projects n which population growth control is the one. China already has one child policy in the country.
Many other developing countries are trying to develop, and thus they need to control their population growth. The following educated generation will be smart enough to understand that two child policy is good for them and the country.

2.   Quality of living will increase
The quality of future generation’s life will increase. As the technology is boosting in today’s generation, it can be predicted that future people quality of living will be increased. The continuous research in the field of medical science will help a lot to the future generation. There will be a small rate of diseases, and many diseases might be cured till then. There are many dangerous diseases in today’s time like cancer, aids and other threatening diseases might be cured or brought under control too much extent. Children will get better and more practical education than today which is the most urgent requirement. By getting the better education, people will live in more peace and knowledge will ultimately lead to the rising quality of life. The good quality education will bring a lot of employment and wealth in business.

3.  Environment will be safe for us and vice versa
As we know, pollution and global warming are the major issues in the world today. In future, pollution will end, which will lead to an end of global warming and pollution. Efforts are being made to control pollution, and after 100 years the pollution can be controlled. There will be electric and clean energy vehicles on the road. Industries and factories will also use clean energy that ultimately leads to no pollution. people can live in an atmosphere free of pollution, and ultimately their health will be better than today’ generation. The future can control the global warming; there will be no pollution, no extent use of fossil fuels which will give a significant relief to the environment resulting to the end of climate change.

4.    Terrorism will come to end
Terrorism is the main product of lack of education. Terrorism is the biggest problem of humanity today. Innocent people are killed, and nations get destroyed, which leads to more tension and low quality of life. Countries are hindered in their development. They have to spend a lot for the countries’ security. Terrorism can come to an end with education. Future generation people will educate themselves better and will educate their children, which will lead the people to do creative things rather than destructive things. Religion will have more educated followers thus there will be much more understandings among the religions of the world. People will learn to respect other religions. People will be broad minded and will understand the lives and lifestyles of others. This will lead to zero terrorism in the world, and people will in peace and prosper.

5.    There will be some amazing space explorations
The man landed on Moon in the year 1969, and soon man will be on Mars. In next 100 years, human will do some amazing and unbelievable space explorations. Human will reach to every planet in our solar system. The more planets human reach, the more research about the universe. Man will have a better knowledge of the universe. Man will come to know some more interesting facts about the universe and the search for the 2nd earth will be progressed. 

6.    Technology will boost
Technology will increase to a large extent in next 100 years. The technology has shown some incredible advancements since last decade. In the 90s no one knew that after 15-20 years technology can boost up to this level. The revolution in computers and smartphones (Softwares) has done some amazing things. With this speed of progress, we can imagine how much technology is going to progress in coming 100 years. With such advancements in the technology, imagining the more progress in technology is shocking. Up to what extent technology can go, no one can predict. As in the 90s, no one ever thought of this m
uch technology advancements. So let's see.

7.    Better education system
This is the most important thing to be changed in today’s generation. Advancements have been done in many fields like transportation, communication, fashion, architecture and many other things, but our education system has not changed since decades. In the next 100 years, advancements can be made to the education system. By making the advancements in this field, children can get more practical knowledge about the things they are studying. The topics will be more clear and interesting to them, this can lead to a significant change in the world. People will be self-independent. Employment rate will be high. People will live in more peace with understandings of one another’s lifestyles and interests. The education system needs to be changed in urgency. The failure of the education system is leading to many problems in the world, and the problems will continue if urgent advancements are not done in this field.

8.    Revolution in the field of energy
In the next 100 years, there can be revolutions in the field of energy as today’s generation is mostly depended upon the petroleum products which are made from fossil fuels. The rate of using petroleum products is increasing drastically. In the coming days, there will be the inadequacy of petroleum products and the world has to switch its energy needs from fossil fuels to clean energy. With this revolution, the world will become a better place to live. Today clean energy is made from the wind through windmills, from the sun through solar panels and from water through hydroelectric dams. These are the major source of clean energy today. The advancements can be done in this field.  Some other sources can also be discovered like obtaining energy from sea waves or lightning from clouds. Energy revolution can take place in the next 100 years as today computer is making some serious revolution. There will be clean energy everywhere, no pollution, no fossil fuels, no dependency on a particular country. This will make the earth a very beautiful place to live.

This was a prediction of the future. No one knows what will be going to happen in the next 100 years. The world can be better, or it can also get worse than ever. Let's keep hoping that the world will be a better place to live and humans understand their lives and ways to live it peacefully by using the resources efficiently. Learning to live on this planet by understanding it and understanding our relationship with it, will help the human race a lot.