Saturday 11 February 2017

Education system

Our education system is ruining our lives to very serious level. Government and Intellectuals must scrutinise the current education system. People are not having enough knowledge and skills. Their values and beliefs are side-tracked. Institutions are not delivering their real services and products.

Homo-sapians(humans) have amazing gift called intelligence. Intelligence is like nuclear power. It is so powerful to do amazing and creative things but it is destructive as hell.Nuclear power is not being used creatively but as bomb because we are not using our personal atomic power i.e. intelligence, creatively.

Institutions are not giving real education to young minds. The young mind which can be much better than Einstein and Micheal Jackson are not given proper guidance. Their teachers dont understand them and they are not taught to understand themselves. Today's education system is same as very previous time's education system. That was good for that time. But our species changes itself very fast. We need upgraded education system. Education system is not a fixed formula; this formula changes with time and people. We need to understand the very concept of education. The education system is decayed to such an extent that self-education, without going in any recognised institution is better.

The rate of discoveries and inventions has decreased with time, except in the field of computer and technology. Most of people are making computer and technology better. Nobody cares about energy and climate problems. Technology has made our lives better and it is doing good. But this doesn't mean that we all go towards technology. Today if a person has nice degrees in technology then he is considered to be "highly educated". A technology expert who doesn't know about sociology, human body or environment; how can be he said "highly educated"? The motive is not only to make money; but to make money stress-free, happily, interestingly, peacefully and humanly not roboticaly.

Nowadays a person is judged by his marks. Judging someone according to his marks is absolutely fine, but not in the field which he is not interested. The work of choosing path for career is not all student's fault. The major fault is of the system which failed in understanding the student and showing him the right path. After this, judging someone according to their marks is absolutely baseless. Matriculation is very necessary for learing many things, but after this, the system should show the students the right path in which they are suitable and can do best.

Education means to develop skills, gain knowledge, develop values an beliefs. To have basic manners and to understand ourselves. What we have interest in, that wre can do best. Education is all about enlightenment, not to the level of a Yogi, but to the level where we can live proudly, easily and happily.

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