Sunday 2 June 2019

Entrepreneuranisation of era

Just ask a random middle class family guy. What you want to become? Answer comes as obvious "Billionaire" or maybe the first "Trillionaire" of world. I call it entreprenueranisation of era. Everyone wants to become an entreprenuer, want to earn more and more money. And why not, money is everything in this world. Or can we put a question mark after everything? ? Yes we can. And we should.

This very mindset of youth to focus only on money is not good, for themselves, society and environment. TV is full with ads, even internet. Ads are everywhere. You cannot unsee them.But why everyone wants money to be their girlfriend? How it happened? You can say as obvious, money is need and all. But this is too much. What I see how it happened is the market in "motivation". Is that even a market? Trust me, there is a market in every field. Every goddamn thing. You open instagram, go to explore area. Bam! Motivational thoughts everywhere, success quotes #entreprenuership. Who are people behind it? People searching sources of income brainwashing vulnerable youths that money is everything. You can do anything with money. Bonus is the picture on which they write quotes. Total brainwash!

Another face that I see is westernization. Western countries are obsessed with money and they are developed too. Suresh sees the charm they have with money, they are running for money, no second thought and suresh wants to become mukesh. Yes the Ambani. No introspection just go for it. What about the other side of the story. No suresh dont give a damn about it. Before this era, business or entreprenuership was just another career field. And it is now a problem. Youths are ruining thier lives. Society has new norms. Environment is suffering. Before going this far lets first talk about the personal destruction that they do. They go for entrepreneurship so quick looking at those quotes which say 'dont be realistic, aim high, go for it, you dont need plans everytime, you think money can't buy happiness, habibi come to dubai'. Suresh be like, hell yeah lets drop out of college because Mark Zukerberg dropped out, so did Bill Gates. Lets go to dubai. Suresh goes to dubai and becomes one of wives of habibi. Habibi! Dont go to dubai, they will dig a hole in you and search for oil.

And how environment is being affected through it. Ask them out. What are you doing after mechanical engineering or civil engineering? What are you doing after chemical engineering? Answer comes like coding, php, python, software. 'Computerisation', well thats a content for another blog. They have no time to look aside 'demand and supply'. No environmentalists coming out of society. They are, keepig aside 'environ'. Why? No demand so no supply. Money dude.. money. Temperature is rising. Lets work hard and put more ACs in.

Society is changing its norms from values to money. You dont need values, you need money to be a respected person in society. And being a punk is cool now. Disturb others, destroy them. But if you have money then you are so cool. What a badass!. Well, trust me, you dont know the definition of badass then. Yo punk! You got money? Ok here's my daughter. Westernization as I said earlier, is not having a good impact on society, the global society. They think only about money. Most of them. Hence some of them are now realising that life is much more than that. We take what they do. Blindly. Why there are glass bulidings in tropical areas? The climate is hot. Glass increases building's temperature which is good for far polar regions of earth. They build it because it looks fancy. Thats it. Thats why they build it. There are tremendous amount of cultures that the globe is adopting from west. They mistake westernization as modernization. A society can be modern without westernization. One word. Japan. Same is the money mindedness of people. They see it, they adopt it. Without a second thought. Entrepreneuranisation is sickening the society.

What I m saying that youths need to introspect themselves before going into any career. Lets not choose a career being cocky. Money is necessary, and we need it in serious amount to live healthy and comfortably but lets not add happiness into it. Lets not make it everything. Put a question mark behind it. Money everywhere is making this society sick. This is something the society needs to think. Where are we going? This is inhumane. We need to control it before its too late. But greed blinds.

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