Sunday 26 July 2020

Westernization of Indians

Note- The content of this blog is my personal thought and research. Anyone who would like to correct me or criticise me are most welcome. I take criticism positively.

Well nowdays most of the people are attracted towards western culture. Its their choice. No problem. But appreciating west and at the same time depreciating our Indian culture is not right. But why they are so into west. The answer to this question unfolds in our education system. Our education system is fully dominated by britishers which they set up here during their reign. Those who copy western culture are moslty highly educated. What they study and what they learn is, western culture is the most modern and humane culture. It will give you the directions on how to live. The world is following west, and developing too indeed. There are developments in almost every field. So the people get a strong argument to follow west. There is a supreme divinity that highly civilized people worship i.e. Science. And a science institute is the only trustable means which we can blindly trust, because it gives statement only after deep research. Whatever the science institutes tell, people believe. And the biggest intitute of science is NASA. So people believe whatever it says.

This is highly acceptable that western culture is mostly based on science and is very practicle. But the fact that other cultures are not scientific is not fully true. Beside Indian culture there are other cultures that are scientific. When the britishers and other invaders came they destroyed India to its root. But we can also not ignore the fact that if Indian culture was so strong back then, then why invaders successfully penetrated through our borders. There was some loopholes or we can say Indian culture was not that perfect. But when invaders came they tried to build their colony and tried to inforce their culture on Indians. Britain was a super power when it invaded India. They completely changed our system. They put a belief in our minds that whoever is less than white is inferior. A british nobleman Macaulay changed the whole education system to English because education can attack on roots and can easily change people's mind. As you can see in picture what is quoted by this nobleman, you can see the superiority complex clearly. Education system was not changed back after independence.

What most highly educated Indians do
What the Indian highly educated community doing is, being completely dependent on western culture. They mirror copy west. They try to make India one of the western countries behind the argument of true development and peaceful living. 'Western countries are developing, and we must follow them' is their vibe all the time.

Well, India has its own problems which should be solved by developing our own culture. Because only that way we can have a true and full development. Western system can help to some extent, but it will feel like we are being duped. We can never function smoothly in western culture because our engineering is different. Today's adults are high on western system education and they feel in every way that India is not developing because the cultural identity which Indians are never ready to leave. They think materialistically only. But the Indian cultute is based upon thinking abstractly. Materials are okay, but it is not everything that needs to be done. There are values, family, duty and other things. Western culture is physical pleasure chasing culture unlike Indian which thinks beyond that. Today most of the Indians are blindly following western culture, some of its traditions are harmful to us. For example, western culture is based on cold countries and India is a tropical country. This fact makes us incompatible to follow western culture. The Indian culture is made keeping in mind the climatic and geographical conditions of India. There are other cultures which are made following their geography, which makes sense. Geographical condition plays a major role in engineering of the human body and mind. Western culture is best for the western countries.

And being so open minded and practical, western people should not ignore Indian culture's traits. And they do not. They follow most useful things from Indian culture like Yoga and meditation. On the contrary, Indians are follwing 'only' western culture. We have developed an inferiority complex which was the goal of former colonizers. We believe that white people are upgraded version of humans. Yet the fact that people living in cold areas have some benefits in physcial and mental health can not be ignored. It does not make them upgraded version of humans. Its just a trait. And the fact that white peoole look more pretty is completely human mind made. We are trained from childhood to appreciate light skin. But our religious books say about Krishna that he was a dark black skinned man and was very beautiful and attractive. The black color back then was connected to beauty. The colonizers saw the seed of inferiority complex in us and every people of tropical countries. Today the world runs on the gestures of western countries, so they can trend whatever they want. Indian highly educated youths blindly follow the trends and the culture because they are being trained to do so. The education system leads to aprreciate west and depreciate the Indian culture. There are people from west who come to learn meditation and spitrituality in India and Nepal, but we Indians never recognize them until it is highlighted by some western person. In picture you can see an Instagram post about people of Harvard University practicing meditation to reduce stress. Well, meditation is not copyrighted by India, neither Yoga. But they have their roots from Indian culture. Steve jobs came to get his answers in an asharam in Uttarakhand so did Mark Zuckerberg. It was so highlitghed afterwards that Indians use to go there now and tell their friends I visited the ashram where 'Steve Jobs' came. It seems like we have handed them the engine and we all are seated behing in the coaches.

The concept and roots of Indian culture are more scientific than today's science. As science definiton goes "the study of and knowledge about the physical world and natural laws". Indian culture is an ancient and scientific culture. Where these two words come together we know that either it is mythical or we are talking about something next level.
Indian culture lacks in the field of material things like modern day technology and engineering. But the fact should not be ignored that Indian culture siezed to develop and update a long time ago.
Indian culture is more developed than western in some fields because there are things which science has not given answers yet, E.g. Spirituality, Astrology etc.
What Indian culture accomplished was spiritual field. The self care and development skills which western culture lacks. The self care that didnt need any medicine or sugery. We healed ourselves and made ourselves happy from within by understanding the human system. The power of our mind and out of the world things which modern day science says to be illogical.

We can not say these things are rational until a real and serious research is being done. But there are signs these things exist, such as Kundalini and why people are more excited on a full moon night. A trustable institute of science should do some serious researches on such kind of things as much damage is being done to the environment by today's development. Environment being degraded is a sign that this is not the way. We need Indian culture and every other culture on earth to work together as we need to upgrade our religions to a single religion 'humanity'.

What some Indians do
The thing some Indians do is, boycott the western culture completely. Apply Indian culture in each and every area of life.Well, life can be miserable if we do that. Indian culture stopped updating a long time ago. And there are many things which need to get updated. We must not ignore the western culture totally because it is the system which is updated and can be very useful to us. We should appreciate every culture as we can learn many things from them, despite that we should not forget our own culture. We should embrace it and try to apply the useful things from Indian culture into our lives.

What I want to say is that we should remove the inferiority complex from ourselves. The western people are doing good and they are picking the fruits of the seeds they saw during colonizing times. What we need to do is to follow the present times and develop ourselves. But we should keep in mind that we are the ones who belong to the great Indian culture. We should not blindly follow their culture and show ourselves as highly educated. If a person decides to settle in a western country then he must follow that country's culture. That is necessary. But an Indian living in India apprecaiting western culture and doing opposite to Indian culture is puting a tag on him that he has fallen between two stools. We the Indians living in India must keep in mind the Indian culture and follow its useful things. There are still spiritual and enlightened people sitting in Himalayas. We need to go there once in a while and gain some knowledge from them. This is the thing which western people have recognized that India is full of a great system which can travel deep into human consciousness. Something great than modern day science. We need to recognize the treasure of our culture and not ignore the fact that western culture is necessary in many fields of life. The education system need to be changed by some real geniuses, to our own education system which leads to not only the appreciation of Indian culture but a sense of respect for other cultures. An open mindedness that every culture has something to adopt. We are not colonizers as our motto is 'Live and let live'